Does dreams come true
Does dreams come true

  1. #Does dreams come true how to
  2. #Does dreams come true free

Try to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. When you face challenges on your way to fulfilling your dreams, don’t grumble about difficulties instead, be thankful that you have the gift of each new day to keep making progress. Establish and grow relationships with key people who will pray for you and encourage you as you go after your dreams.

#Does dreams come true how to

Write out a plan for how to make those dreams realities and move forward with that plan while inviting God to edit your plan as he sees fit. Ask God to regularly remind you of what your life can look like once his dreams for you come true. Remind yourself often of the reasons why you’re making sacrifices and working hard to pursue your dreams. Make sure that you’re focusing on important tasks first - the ones that will help your dreams come true - and just fit all the "urgent" tasks in when you can. Don’t let seemingly urgent things like household chores and checking e-mail distract you from what’s most important. If you invest even small amounts of time toward reaching your dreams, over the long haul your investment will pay off in a big way. Don’t wait for all the pieces of a plan to make perfect sense to you before moving forward if you sense God calling you to do so be willing to take steps of faith as he leads you. Leave small thoughts behind and dream big. Don’t be afraid to leave behind a way of life that you’ve been conditioned to think is normal so you can discover something better. Make whatever changes you need to make to stop playing it safe and living in a rut.

#Does dreams come true free

Feel free to seek counsel from a few trustworthy people who are close to you, but dismiss critics who don’t have your best interests at heart. Ask God to give you the courage to do what he wants you to do, no matter what others think. Rely on him for help, knowing that he never fails. Realize that God will give you all the power you need to do whatever he is calling you to do. Although it’s natural to feel fear about taking the risks necessary to pursue your dreams, giving into your fear will stop your progress. If you seek God himself first - before any particular dreams - then he will make the right dreams come true for you. Make your relationship with God your highest priority in life. Look for ways that your dreams intersect with opportunities for you to act on what God has revealed to you so far. Think about the specific interests and talents God has given you, and ask him to reveal more about how he would like you to contribute to the world. Regularly read, study, and meditate on passages of your faith's sacred scripture, seeking insights about what dreams God wants you to pursue. So ask God to help you discern which of your dreams align with his will for you, and let the rest go. If you’re dreaming dreams that don’t reflect God’s purposes for you, you’re missing out on the life he wants you to live.

  • Trade your own plans for God’s dreams for you.
  • How to Use God's Help for Creating Your Dreams

    Does dreams come true