Set up git
Set up git

set up git
  1. Set up git how to#
  2. Set up git install#

Restart RStudio, if it worked out you will find the Git icon on the top toolbar, as shown below.ģ.The path should be something like: /usr/bin/git Linux/OS X: type which git and hit enter. The path should be something like: C:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin/git.exe Open a shell, if you don’t know where Git is installed. Set the path to the Git executable that you just installed.Check Enable version control interface for RStudio projects.Open RStudio and go to Tools > Global Options… click on Git/SVN.Setup Git in RStudio: Tell RStudio where to find the Git installation. If you are new to Git follow the 15 min TryGit Tutorial to get a quick introduction to Git.Ģ. GitHub account: On GitHub create yourself a free GitHub account.

Set up git install#

  • RStudio ( Download RStudio Desktop): Download and Install RStudio (if not already installed).
  • R ( Download R): Download and Install R (if not already installed).
  • Optional Git clients: SourceTree or GitHub Desktop.
  • Git ( Download Git): Download and install Git, making a note of where on your computer you are install it.
  • Additionally you will also need a GitHub account. Installation: To get started you need the following software installed on your computer: Git and if you are new to R, then you also need to install R and RStudio. RStudio integrates support for git, hence we are going to use the widely used combination R + Git + RStudio. GitHub is a user-friendly webservice that allows you to store your project repository remotely. install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("username/packagename") (Development of R packages is more advanced in R, but is a well-structured way to keep your projects tidy see: R Packages by Hadley Wickham) And you can install development packages of others with two lines of code.
  • In R it makes sharing of your packages easy.
  • You can see what changes between different versions of your code, analysis or written text!.
  • You can revert back to a previous version, if you find errors or accidently deleted something.
  • You can also report errors (bugs) or suggest new additions (features) to projects. People can contribute to your project and vice-versa.
  • It makes sharing of your projects easy (once it’s setup, you’ll get there).
  • Git allows you to track and share your code and analysis. R in combination with the distributed version control system Git provides a convenient setup to make your research project reproducible.
  • Clone/fork an existing project from GitHub.
  • (The tutorial was originally created on GitHub and hosted here.)

    Set up git how to#

    This tutorial in the context of the Reproducible Research Workshop provides you with the first steps on how to use Git with R and RStudio.

    Set up git